One Story Design
One Story Design is a licensed architecture firm located in Cincinnati, OH focused on residential projects at many scales, from single-family homes to large-scale housing. The graphic identity reflects a fresh and sometimes irreverent take on minimalist design with maximalist intentionalities.

Clean. Simple. Uncluttered.
From minimalism to maximalism, we like to do it all. The graphic presence of One Story Design is based on the fact that every story has a design. As such, we felt that a clean, minimalist approach was ideal. In other words, get out of the way and let the architectural design speak for itself.
Less is more.
Sometimes short, sweet, and to the point is…the point.
Who says you can’t have do overs?
Sometimes the best ideas come after the fact. Now you can have your cake and eat it, too. (Sorry, Marie Antoinette). But don’t take our word for it. Visit our friends at One Story Design.